Sales Update

BOOKS SOLD as of MARCH 31, 2012: 255,655

Total(s) are as of March 31, 2012 and do NOT include over 185,000 FREE downloads
(Amazon and B&N combined Sales)
Borrows have NOT been included in total sales

Return of the Rose - Released March 2, 2011 $2.99
Medieval Time Travel Romance

March: 298
April: 894
May: 1,600
June: 1,475
July: 1,291
August: 2,352
September: 1,955
October: 1,527
November: 981
December: 1,074
January: 1,457
February: 1,519
March 2012:  1422

Total: 17,845

A Knight in Central Park- Released March 18, 2011 $.99
Medieval Time Travel Romance

March: 247
April: 6,071
May: 4,306
June: 2,414
July: 1,330
August: 9,812
September: 2,088
October: 1,348
November: 876
December: 2,383
January: 2,685
February: 1,485
March 2012: 1,620

Total: 36,665

Taming Mad Max - Released April 25, 2011 $2.99
Romantic Comedy

April: 30
May: 182
June: 265
July: 310
August: 934
September: 1,872
October: 2,125
November: 2,150
December: 1,561 (272 borrows)
January: 4,393 (782 borrows)
February: 1,088 (99 borrows)
March 2012: 1,692 (114 borrows)

Total: 16,602

Finding Kate Huntley - Released May 5, 2011 $2.99
Romantic Suspense

May: 187
June: 261
July: 325
August: 1,159
September: 3,363
October: 2,089
November: 1,095
December: 4,421 (1,088 borrows)
January: 2,523 (791 borrows)
February: 1,908 (123 borrows)
March 2012: 2,077 (46 borrows)

Total: 19,408

Abducted - Released May 29, 2011 $2.99
Romantic Suspense/Thriller

May: 25
June: 694
July: 1,708
August: 12,917
September: 39,413
October: 18,176
November: 6,645
December: 3,649
January: 2,118
February: 32,500 (5,088 borrows)
March 2012: 18,188 (3,674 borrows)

Total: 136,033

Dead Weight - Released December 22, 2011 $2.99
Romantic Suspense/Thriller

December: 451
January: 1,430
February: 11,385 (325 borrows)
March 2012: 15,836 (1,399 borrows)

Total: 29,102

The BEST part of my indie author journey has been connecting with readers.

Thanks to all who have taken the time to read one of my books, write a review, comment on my blog, offer congrats, or email me to tell me I have a new fan!

No matter what YOUR dreams are, don't let anyone tell you that you can't succeed.

Don't be afraid to try new things. Stay positive.


I signed my first Publishing Agreement!

It's official! My Lizzy Gardner Series has been sold to Thomas and Mercer (Amazon).

I signed my first Publishing Agreement and it was official as of March 27, 2012!! I am unagented and therefore reported the deal on Publisher's Marketplace. The deal showed up yesterday on PM, but it says it's a four book deal. That's not's a three book deal as follows:

T.R. Ragan's LIZZY GARDNER series, featuring a private investigator known as the "one who got away" and her two young assistants, including untitled Book 3 and re-release of ABDUCTED and DEAD WEIGHT, to Alan  Turkus of Thomas & Mercer, in a very nice deal, by author.

It's a scary thing, giving up control, especially since I love having control, but from the start I said I was going to try everything and that's exactly what I'm doing. I'm waking up every morning and doing what I love best. And I'm getting paid to do it. Yay!

I am enjoying every minute of this indie journey and I can't wait to see what tomorrow will bring.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask!