BOOKS SOLD as of April 30, 2012: 277,635
Total(s) are as of April 30, 2012 and do NOT include over 200,000 FREE downloads
(Amazon and B&N combined Sales)
Borrows have NOT been included in total sales
Total(s) are as of April 30, 2012 and do NOT include over 200,000 FREE downloads
(Amazon and B&N combined Sales)
Borrows have NOT been included in total sales
Return of the Rose
- Released March 2, 2011 $2.99
Medieval Time Travel Romance
March: 298
April: 894
May: 1,600
June: 1,475
July: 1,291
August: 2,352
September: 1,955
October: 1,527
November: 981
December: 1,074
January: 1,457
February: 1,519
March 2012: 1422
April 2012: 1800 (289 borrows)
Total: 19,645
A Knight in Central Park
- Released March 18, 2011 $.99
Medieval Time Travel Romance
March: 247
April: 6,071
May: 4,306
June: 2,414
July: 1,330
August: 9,812
September: 2,088
October: 1,348
November: 876
December: 2,383
January: 2,685
February: 1,485
March 2012: 1,620
April 2012: 1,032
Contemporary Romance
April: 30
May: 182
June: 265
July: 310
August: 934
September: 1,872
October: 2,125
November: 2,150
December: 1,561 (272 borrows)
January: 4,393 (782 borrows)
February: 1,088 (99 borrows)
March 2012: 1,692 (114 borrows)
April 2012: 872
Total: 17,474
Finding Kate Huntley
- Released May 5, 2011 $2.99
Romantic Suspense
May: 187
June: 261July: 325
August: 1,159
September: 3,363
October: 2,089
November: 1,095
December: 4,421 (1,088 borrows)
January: 2,523 (791 borrows)
February: 1,908 (123 borrows)
March 2012: 2,077 (46 borrows)
April 2012: 1,384
Total: 20,792
- Released May 29, 2011 $2.99
Romantic Suspense/Thriller
May: 25
June: 694July: 1,708
August: 12,917
September: 39,413
October: 18,176
November: 6,645
December: 3,649
January: 2,118
February: 32,500 (5,088 borrows)
March 2012: 18,188 (3,674 borrows)
April 2012: 6,103 (893 borrows)
Total: 142,136
Dead Weight
- Released December 22, 2011 $2.99
Romantic Suspense/Thriller
December: 451
January: 1,430February: 11,385 (325 borrows)
March 2012: 15,836 (1,399 borrows)
April 2012: 6,934 (738 borrows)
Total: 36,036
Having My Baby
- Released April 13, 2012 $3.99
Contemporary Romance
April 2012: 3,855 (378 borrows)
Total: 3,855
Exciting news! Amazon has invited me to be on a panel
at the BEA in New York in June! I hope to see you there!
Penned & Published - Self Published Authors & Stories of Success!
PJ Campbell, Director of Events for a major global trade publisher
Darcie Chan, Self-Published Author of The Mill River Recluse
Brittany Geragotelis, Self-Published Author of Life's a Witch
C.S. Marks, Self-Published Author of the Elfhunter trilogy
Theresa Ragan, Self-Published Author of Return of the Rose
No matter what YOUR dreams are, don't let anyone tell you that you can't succeed. If you are self-publishing a book and you are not seeing the sales that you were hoping for, try not to dwell on low sales. Keep writing, keep writing, keep writing. And you MUST believe in yourself. As writers, there are too many factors that we have no control over as to whether our books will sell well, or not. Worrying about the ups and downs will only make you crazy. Just keep writing.
Don't be afraid to try new things. Stay positive.